- 現在のコロナ禍において、観光レクリエーション旅行へ行きたいかを尋ねると、20年12月調査、21年5月調査いずれも、「行きたい」が国内旅行では3割、海外旅行では1割となりました。また、普段の旅行頻度が高い人ほど、コロナ禍でも旅行に意欲的でした。
- コロナ禍で旅行を実施するかを判断する際に影響する項目として、国内旅行では緊急事態宣言や、移動・外出自粛要請等の発出、旅行先の新規感染者数が上位を占めました。また、21年5月調査では、「自分のワクチン接種の有無」が4.5割となり、ワクチン接種が進むにつれてこの影響度がどう変化するかも注目されます。
- 今後の旅行先の選択では、密の回避、感染症対策が必要条件になる一方、行きたい地域に選ばれるかどうかには観光地本来の魅力も重要な要素になると考えられます。
【Key Points of Results】
- When asked if they want to go sightseeing/recreational trips during the pandemic, 30% of respondents in the December 2020 and May 2021 surveys answered “Yes” to domestic travel, with just 10% willing to travel overseas. In addition, those who traveled frequently were more willing to travel even during the pandemic.
- The top factors affecting domestic travel decisions during COVID-19 were whether a state of emergency had been declared, whether requests had been made to refrain from traveling or going out, and the numbers of newly infected people at the destination. Additionally, in the May 2021 survey, 45% of respondents indicated that they were vaccinated. Therefore, one point of focus will be how increasing vaccination rates impact responses.
- While avoiding densely crowded areas and utilizing countermeasures against COVID-19 will become necessary conditions when selecting travel destinations, the inherent attractiveness of the area as a tourist attraction will also remain an essential factor.